Karel Kalıp R&D Center 

Karel Kalıp Sanayi A.Ş. Aralık 2015 yılından itibaren TC. Bilim, Sanayi ve Teknoloji Bakanlığı onaylı bir Ar-Ge Merkezi olarak faaliyetlerini sürdürmektedir.  Günümüzde gelişen/değişen kalıplama ve üretim teknolojileri ile beraber Ar-Ge ve inovasyon her geçen gün daha çok önem kazanmaktadır. Ar-Ge Merkezimizde uzman ekibimizle birlikte aşağıdaki konularda teknoloji geliştirme çalışmalarımızı sürdürmekteyiz.

Our expert R&D Team is currently at work on the following technologies:
– Yeni nesil kompozit ve plastik malzemeler kullanarak araç içi parça hafifletme çalışmaları,
– Poliüretan malzemelerin kalıplanabilirliği,
– Kalıp içinde film formlama,
– Termoforming proses geliştirme,
– Overmolding proses geliştirme,
– Insert Molding proses geliştirme


Environment friendly production technologies are very important for us to leave a better world to next generations. Inline with the automotive industry target of lightweighting as part of reduction of carbon emissions, lightweight projects are top priority for our R&D Team.  

Overmoulding Applications

We have combined advanced molding techniques with polymer textile technology.

In 2008, we have developed a four cavity mudguard mold, which created a lightweight part with side benefits of reduced the vibration transfer to the vehicle and extra noise reduction at a joint project with our customer, IAC. 

Natural Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Injection Mould Development Project

Natural fiber-reinforced thermoplastic materials are replacing conventional PP materials at the production of large door panels withhigher aesthetic expectations.

The new materials are successfully creating lighter door panels, as well as, more environment friendly and ensure way better noise reduction.

We have successfully utilized innovative injection methods in Inmold forming and Overmolding in our R&D lab.

Mold Development Through Twin Sheet Vacuum Process Project

Air ducts in vehicles are most commonly manufactured with blow molding technology. 

In this joint project with TOFAŞ, we not only developed the process of lightweighting through a double plate vacuum-reinforced moulding technology but also implemented a manufacturing and molding process for complex shaped low density materials for the first time in Turkish Market. We have successfully designed, produced and tested a twin sheet machine in our R&D lab. This project has been realized with support of Tübitak and Teydeb.

Mould Development Utilizing Mucell (Microcellular Foam Injection) Technology Project

Design & manufacturing process for an engine under cover part has been developed with combination of MuCell and Overmolding technologies and customer financial and technical targets achieved successfully.

The motor housing part that was supported by a microcellular foam structure was thus realized and was tested to meet certain technical and financial parameters.



As Karel Kalıp, we know that, cooperation with other R&D centers, universities, national & international companies at every chance, brings new technologies and innovation.

As a result, with our contribution, we are paving the way;

  • To economic progress by transforming cooperation into technology and production.
  • To R&D and innovation.
  • To new technologies.

Our R&D Partners:

University Cooperations

R&D Centers